I am at the Plano Chapter of the American Sewing guild yearly retreat. It has been held for several years at a beautiful site at Texoma right on the lake. It was a beautiful day today but I watched it from the window beside my sewing machine. I have been in the company of lovely ladies who share a love of sewing. Most of these ladies are garment sewers but also do craft items. One lady did work on a quilt this time. I was the only one who worked on a quilt last year.
My first order of business was to catch up my block of the month I am participating in with the local Bernina store. It is from this book. I have to keep this up to date if I want the next block fabric kit free. Each block is different and uses different techniques and so far has been fun.
Next, I started a French Braid quilt. I know the pattern has been around for several years but I had not made one. I have finished the four braid runs but now need more fabric to put them together. It went back in the box until I could make it to a quilt store and decide on fabric. It was very easy to piece and I finished sewing the braids in one day - - long day.
I then decided to join the garment sewers and try a project I had placed on the back burner for several years.The pattern is the view at the top, the cowl neck with 3/4 length sleeves. The fabric I used is on the right. On of the ladies measured me and we were able to fit it really well before I cut it out. Thanks Becky! I have it sewn together enough to know it fits. I need to use my serger on it and didn't bring it along. I will finish it at home. Shouldn't take me long.
I then resurrected a project I had put aside at least 5 years ago. This is an adorable applique baby quilt. I first wanted to see where I left off. I had more done that I remembered. I have all of the applique shapes drawn, fused to the back of fabric and cut out, except for the white fabric. I would have continued on it but I didn't bring an applique pressing sheet. I don't want to risk getting fusible gunk on a pressing surface that does not belong to me. I am happy to have this back on a front burner and will continue to work on it.My goal for this sewing retreat was not so much to finish anything as it was to move projects further down the line to getting finished. With this attitude, it does not bother me that I forgot something. I brought plenty to work on. I am finishing out today working on a scrap quilt. Making a scrap quilt keeps my leftover fabric down to a minimum and moves it out of my sewing room. This is my latest scrap quilt inspiration. I don't have a pattern and I am making it up as I go, but it was easy to use many scraps this way.
I will enjoy one more night here and travel home tomorrow afternoon. It has been a lovely get away from the daily distractions. This is where I have spent the last couple of days. If any of the ladies who attended the retreat read this, it has been a pleasure sewing with you.
It looks like you had a great time and a lot of projects got further along. I too have the braid book and all the fabric except the center block which may end up lime green or red....lol. Thanks for sharing with us!!!
YOu have been busy!
YOu have been busy!